Overflow (Live)
Loulita Gill
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The older I get, the more I realise how true it is that we are blessed to be a blessing. Love, peace and joy are contagious gifts. If you receive them, you can’t help but pour them out on other people. As a songwriter, you sometimes write a song that you think could be a hit - the kind that you could retire on if the right artist was to pick it up. Having slogged away in the music business for two decades, part of me wants to cash in on my hard work so there’s a temptation to hold back a song and wait for an opportune moment to maximise the commercial payout.
There’s nothing wrong with being a savvy businessman, however as I began writing songs in my living room at the start of the year, I found myself feeling full and being blessed immensely by the songs I was writing. It didn’t feel right to just contain these, and the danger of doing this is that the waters become stagnant when they don’t flow. I thought it would be better to share my precious songs and allow people to hear them regardless of whether I’m remunerated for it. This mindset has helped to open up a very deep well where more than 50 new songs have been written in just a few months which is truly unprecedented.
When you know you’re loved, you will support those who are in need.
When joy is bubbling in your heart, your positive words of affirming give courage to those around you.
When peace is your anchor, you can help to steady a friend who is struggling through stormy seas.
God has so much goodness, we can’t contain it. We’re not meant to store it up for ourselves, we’re meant to give it away. There have been times in my life when I’ve had a wealth of time, there have been times when I’ve had more money than I’ve needed and there have been times when I’ve possessed insights and wisdom. Whatever blessing you’ve received, it’s good to share. One of my favourite Proverbs affirms that those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
This song is a prayer; a petition if you like. There’s a world in need of God’s spirit, and He has chosen us to be the vessel by which people can taste and see His goodness. As we hunger and thirst for him, He fills our cups to the brim and then keeps on pouring.
Andy Baker, Chief Enthusiast, Homegrown Worship
Unearth a new song