
Renewal Choir

A Retrospective Testimony Writing “Greater Than Me” felt like a fluke, if I’m honest. Either a fluke or...

I Just Need You (Live)

Andy Baker

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who...

Face To Face

Dave Palmer

I love the account in Exodus chapters 33 and 34 of how Moses talked with God face to...

Song of Ascent

Revolution Cry

The words sung for this anthem are inspired by Psalms 121 and serve as a powerful reminder upon...

He Is Here (Live)

Warehouse Worship

‘He is Here’ was a prophetic song that came out of a Wednesday Night service at The Warehouse...

Sit At Your Feet

Chris Roe

The chorus of this song came prophetically during a Burn 24/7 set, which I liked so much that...

Jesus Fill My Vision

Dave Palmer

In the autumn of 2019, our church worship team gathered together to seek God and hear his heart...

Rest in Me


Title: Shame? Not when you find Rest in the Lord. Before he was our son-in-law, Brad Rankin was...

King Jesus

Jonny Somervell

King Jesus is a song I wrote with my brother in law, Matt Jones, a worship pastor and...

Unearth a new song