Renewal Choir
A Retrospective Testimony Writing “Greater Than Me” felt like a fluke, if I’m honest. Either a fluke or...
I Just Need You (Live)
Andy Baker
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who...
Face To Face
Dave Palmer
I love the account in Exodus chapters 33 and 34 of how Moses talked with God face to...
Lord All Glorious
Juliet Dawn
My music partnership is fairly unique : my Mum writes and I interpret and sing. Well mostly it's...
Precious Jesus (I Worship You)
Rachel E Reader
Title: Falling in Love with Jesus The Bible says God is love. 1 John 4:7-21. I believe the...
Ignite The Flames
Jonathan Middleton
Written after two of the most miserable days of many a long year, with 20 hours of lashing...
It Is Unto You
Benne Boakye
This is one of the songs I wrote when I was just sitting and taking an inventory of...
I Am Yours (Live)
Out Of The Ashes
Our song ‘I am Yours’ takes its lyrics from the Bible. Psalm 23, The Lord Is My Shepherd...
We Look To You
Ashley Ruth
The Prayer of my Heart “We look to You” really sums up the prayer of my heart. Being...
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