Renewal Choir
A Retrospective Testimony Writing “Greater Than Me” felt like a fluke, if I’m honest. Either a fluke or...
I Just Need You (Live)
Andy Baker
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who...
Face To Face
Dave Palmer
I love the account in Exodus chapters 33 and 34 of how Moses talked with God face to...
Christ Cannot Be Cursed Twice
Nicolee Owen
From cursed to blessed in Christ. This song came about after I'd listened to a preacher named Chrissie...
I’m Yours
Belinda Adu
The idea for this song came one evening when I was washing the dishes and thinking about a...
Your Eyes Make A Mirror
Brian Parker
Who’s eyes make a WHAT? Identity is everything! That got me thinking of a metaphor where I saw...
The Stillness of God
Rachael Inwood
For over the last year, Father God's been teaching me how to live from a place of rest....
Made A Way
Kirk Edwards
I was really able to see whilst writing this song exactly how many times in my life I've...
Unearth a new song