
Renewal Choir

A Retrospective Testimony Writing “Greater Than Me” felt like a fluke, if I’m honest. Either a fluke or...

I Just Need You (Live)

Andy Baker

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who...

Face To Face

Dave Palmer

I love the account in Exodus chapters 33 and 34 of how Moses talked with God face to...


The Light Room

Trusting in God has been something I've grown in especially over the last 2 years, through cancer, through...

Yesterday’s Meal

Mikey Powell

Yesterday’s Meal started off its life, as so many great ideas do, in the shower. Mulling over the...

Whisper feat. Loulita Gill


The Creator, not the created, Whispers. I was so grieved as I scrolled through my Instagram feed. So...

Let The Spirit And The Bride Say Come

Sarah Begaj

One day as I was pottering in the kitchen, the words “Let the Spirit and the bride say...

Your Will Be Done

Kat Mills

Have you ever heard the Lord’s prayer being recited at a school assembly? The repetition of the words is...

Fill Up The Skies (Live)

Andy Baker

One of the great things about where I live is that is on the outskirts of a relatively...

Unearth a new song