
Renewal Choir

A Retrospective Testimony Writing “Greater Than Me” felt like a fluke, if I’m honest. Either a fluke or...

I Just Need You (Live)

Andy Baker

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who...

Face To Face

Dave Palmer

I love the account in Exodus chapters 33 and 34 of how Moses talked with God face to...

Raise The Roof

Andy Baker

There are lots of references to the old name "I'll Lift You Higher" As Homegrown Worship has evolved...

Save Me Now

The Plan

Every one of us will have times when we feel that we aren’t good enough, that we don’t...

Set Apart (All For You)

Dave Wellington

I am always inspired to write songs when I teach on songwriting. This song started as an example...

Every Ounce

Andy Baker

My Homegrown Worship journey has helped me to realise the importance of being like Mary. Spending time with...


Jonny Somervell

Awake is a song that encourages us to lift up our spiritual eyes and rejoice in all that...

If I Could Return

Andy Baker

Some days seem more significant than others. Every day (except when the clocks change) has twenty-four hours in...

Unearth a new song